
Where can i find all the details on how to make a social study/aspect of a feasibilty study?

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can you help me where can i find all the details on how to make a social study/aspect of a feasibilty study?




  1. Additional information:

    How to do a feasability study: (wikiHow)

    Define the objectives of study, there might be one to several

    Research on the business model analysis of targeted industry or company

    Conduct market analysis, i.e. 5 Forces, competitive study, market share analysis

    Construct business plan

    Review the plan with insider, i.e. managers, frontline staffs,suppliers, customer of targeted company or industry

    Simplify and modify the business plan so everybody will be able to understand after 1min's pitch

    Conduct Market research on proposed plan to focused group or survey

    Perform breakeven analysis and sensitivity analysis

    Marketing plan

    Operation plan

    Financial plan

    combine everything in above to perform decision tree/fishbone/scorecard analysis.

    Write the study report

    My answer: (don't feel as though I helped much, sorry!)

    A feasibility study is an analysis of the viability of an idea. The feasibility study focuses on helping answer the question of whether or not to proceed with a proposed project idea?  All activities of the study are directed toward helping answer this question. Therefore, the social aspects or implications dealing with a feasibility study would vary to some extent based on the type of study that you are conducting.  

    Some social aspects of a feasibility study might include, but are not limited, to the following:

    gives focus to the project and outline alternatives seeing how the proposed project will affect the targeted community

    narrow business alternatives by understanding what is possible for that particular project through analyzing study data such as Census information, and revealing  trends in many aspects of daily life (from spending habits to educational patterns, etc.) on different populations

    identifying reasons or social factors that are involved that could prevent a project from continuing (project A is culturally biased towards a particular group, or project A may be received as offensive by this particular group, etc.)

    enhance the probability of success by addressing and extenuating social factors early on that could affect the project (adjustments could be made to alter project A, enabling the project to continue)

    provide quality information for decision making by helping project designers understand the overall trends shaping consumer culture

    being aware of the social composition of your target audience and understanding the motivations of customers, community activists, and journalists can effectively defuse problems in the media by responding to the public's concerns with carefully composed solutions

    Good Luck!

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