
Where can i find an Epiphone les paul custom silverburst for $200? Or can someone sell me one? By Aug. 03

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Please tell me by August 3d, im goin on a trip and im goin to use all my money, and i want it before i go.




  1. $200 for an Epiphone Les Paul Silverburst?  They are about $600 new.  It is a limited edition finish and won't be available forever.  You might be able to find a used one for a 'little' less than the retail price if you look hard, but nowhere near $200.  After they stop being made, expect the price on used models to start climbing.

    At the time I write this, there is one on ebay at $281.  It is a b-stock (blemished).  Looks like the 3-way selector switch crackles when you change pickups.  It has over 2 days to go, so I bet it sells for a lot more than $281.  The only way you're going to find one for what you want to pay is if the neck is completely broken or something that would make it useless, or very expensive to fix.

    Good luck.

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