
Where can i find an eco friendly back pack that also donates the proceeds to chrity?

by  |  earlier

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i'm looking for something that displays a message to, to spread the word of the charity

i'm look for backpacks that benefit Darfur, Sudan, hunger relief, stopping global warming, saving the rainforrest, stopping animal cruelty, or any cause worth advocating.

i've searched online, but i have gotten any really good results





  1. Look at Patagonia products they give all kinds of money to charity and offer grants to green causes

  2. I had a mailing from the Sierra Club today.  They were offering a back pack in exchange for a donation.  I'm not sure what products were used in the production, but you could contact them for additional information.

  3. From the link below:

    Founded in 2000 by Thammarath Jamikorn & Klaus Wallner, is a human-scale family business that promotes sustainable organic hemp clothing products (as well as organic cotton & linen products) and way of life. We are concerned about the fragile condition of our eco-system and inspired by the works of Scott & Helen Nearin.

    I think it is important to support companies like this.  They may make donations to a cause but don't feel a need to share that information.  In any case, I feel better about supporting a company such as this and making my own donation than supporting an opportunistic organization out to take money from people who like to donate to causes.

    Let the buyer beware, but support those who do business the right way, without being flashy.

  4. If you send me $1000.00, I will send you a backpack with any cause you choose advertised on the back. I will then send $500.00 to that cause. I will also work on volume if you have the cash.

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