
Where can i find an email for purcell and cullen solicitors waterford?

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Where can i find an email for purcell and cullen solicitors waterford?




  1. Ring the Law Society of Ireland hq in Dublin on 00353 01  6724800

    Only put in the Irish prefix of 00353 if you're ringing from outside the republic of Ireland  

    AND when using the 00353  (Irish international code)  the 0  is dropped from the '01'  (Dublin prefix)  

    So from outside Ireland ring 00353 1 6724800

    Ask for the email address forPurcell,Cullen and Kennedy solicitors Waterford city.


  2. Phone them up and ask them.  Even the receptionist will be able to give you a "generic" address.

  3. I know Purcell and Cullen are located in Parnell Street, Waterford city so you could try sending them an old fashioned letter and any correspondence you have with them via post should have their email address on the letter head.

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