
Where can i find an indoor Mosquitoes killer?

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at lowes i found a Stinger NOsquito mosquitoe killer but i can only find it online. Is there a store that has this or something like this i can get in a store?




  1. Raid sells one called Flying Insect, that has a fresh scent. I bought some about 2 weeks ago and it works great.

  2. I now Home Depot has a few different types

  3. Go to your local supermarket and hang out in the produce department. There is bound to be a guy there who doesn’t know a thing about buying fruits or vegetables. He’ll ask you – you’ll help. You go out on a date – get engaged – married.

    Husband: Indoor mosquito killer!

  4. Why don't you try getting a Mosquito Plant? The plant keeps them away. They are pretty,and look like a indoor houseplant.

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