
Where can i find an open challenge for a pool game accept or make 8-9ball 5 figures?

by  |  earlier

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im looking for a money game i will makethe challenge or i will accept their challenge not east of louisana to well known middle men take to much of a cut hall owners want 25% for making 1 phone call you dont understand what im talking about sorry thought you knew pool my mistake




  1. I'm with Kyle M. I've read your question frontwards, backwards, upside down and sideways. Reword or get someone to translate!

  2. If your looking for a 5 figure money game just go to the nearest major city, find the biggest pool hall, talk to the owner or manager , tell him what you want and I,m sure he'll hook you up.

  3. I would try to help you answer this, but I have NO IDEA what you are asking. Try rewording the question.

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