
Where can i find auditions for nickeloden or disney channel in sacramento or san francisco?

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~~☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻~~☺I've wanted to be an actress or singer on disney channel or nickeloden since i was like 5 years old and i can not find any auditions on tv in sacramento or in san franciscoand this has always been my dream so please contact me if you have any usefull info. not just telling me to give it up or any negetive info or put downs ~♥thank you♥~ so much!!!!!~~☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺~~




  1. Casting for J.O.N.A.S! has started. The casting directors are seeking submissions for the following roles:

        Macy - Female 14 to 17 years old, caucasian. This is a series regular contract role to play the best friend of “Stella Malone” who is played by Chelsea Staub.

        Macy’s Mom - 38 to 48 years old, caucasion. Also a series regular contract role.

        Please put the role that you are submitting for on the outside of the envelope.

        Sally Stiner/Barbie Block Casting

        1800 Stewart St.

        Santa Monica , CA 90404

  2. I'm not an actress and I don't live in California, but I have seen different casting calls on their websites. If you even google "casting calls" and either Disney or Nickelodeon, it should give you some results. The other thing I would suggest is to go out and network. Get out there and show your face, drop off head shots to different agencies that specialize in child stars and show people you are outgoing and are striving for success.

  3. One of the only ways is through an agent. Get some classes and experience, but in the meantime, there is also this way: An actor who also works for Disney has a blog website for aspiring actors to do not have agents. It has all the information you need if you would like to submit for acting roles for Disney Channel, as well as information on how your resume should look, and the addresses to send them to for certain Disney Channel movies/tv shows you would like to audition for. Here is the link:

    Hope this helped

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