
Where can i find b17 blueprints and plans?

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and how much would it be to build a entirely new b17




  1. The issue here is that the aircraft design is a lincensed design, and to make it would have to get the rights from the orginal manufactor (Boeing) to build one.  This is why no companies manufactor WWII fighters today is that the orginal manufactor will not lincense the plans. However, some companies will develop a scaled down version of one, hence the Expermintal Mustangs that are 2/3 scale.

  2. Making only one of anything is always very expensive. Especially an aircraft. I don't know where to get the prints. A good question for an E-mail to the Confederate Air Force in Texas. Some trivia here. 12,035 B-17s were built, at an average cost of $35,700 each.


    pilot manual

    "...costs continue to rise, either because technology allows more to be done by a system of a given weight, size or volume or because more must be done and a new system developed to do it. A fighter plane, which cost $50,000 in 1944, would cost $2 million today to perform the same function. These costs are buried in all phases of the weapons life cycle: research, development, production, maintenance and operations. The net effect is to price some weapons almost beyond the means of even the most advanced industrial states, which find it most difficult to buy or even to operate them. On the other hand a single missile today costing $1.3 million carries more explosive power than 200,000 WW II B-17 aircraft, armed with conventional bombs, which would have cost over $37 billion.


  4. There is probably a copy of the blueprints in the Smithsonian Museum, Boeing probably has some, and there are probably some in the hands of private citizens as there are a couple of B-17 that have been rebuilt.

    To make one of these from scratch would probably cost in the neighborhood of $50-300 million. It costs a lot to make the tools to make the parts.



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