
Where can i find car under $300 in chicago <span title="(website,newspaper,auction)">(website,newspaper,auctio...</span> i want to know? tell me?

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Where can i find car under $300 in chicago (website,newspaper,auctio... i want to know? tell me?




  1. I highly doubt you&#039;ll be able to find a running car for under $300 anywhere. You might be able to get a car for $500 at a car auction though. lists a couple of car auction sites that say they have $500 cars.

  2. why not ask someone who lives there

  3. you most likely can&#039;t. save your money for another year.  if you&#039;ve only got $300 to spend on a car, you won&#039;t be able to afford the first round of repairs that car will need.  not to mention, tags, taxes, oil changes, gasoline, etc.

  4. wow for 300$ you wouldnt even be able to buy a car.

    300 is a scrapper, no one selld theyre car for that much unless they want it to be scrapped. um auction cars are normally over 1500$ atleast. you could try to look in the ads in your local paper or online at but no promises.  

  5. errrrrmmm nowhere on yahoo answers UK and Ireland!!

    Try instead of and you might have a little more luck :)

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