
Where can i find celebi an jirachi in pearl

by  |  earlier

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i heard you can get them at iron isand and that you have to fight 100 pokemon after you beat the elite four 10 times is it true and if it is tell me how to do it




  1. No.  It's not true. You can't Celebi or Jirachi anywhere in the game.  Sorry.  In fact you can't get Celebi anywhere except a Nintendo Event.  You can get Jirachi on a Ruby or Sapphire game by using the Pokemon Colosseum bonus disc.  It was a disc that was given to people that pre ordered the game when it came out.  But you can still find it on EBay.  Sorry about Celebi.  It looks like using an Action Replay is the only way until Nintendo host another event.

    (Celebi can be obtained the same way as Jirachi except on a Japanese version of the Pokemon Colosseum bonus disc... of course it would be in Japanese)

  2. The jirachi and celebi thing was a rumor made up by hackers who pretended they were available.  The only real way to get jirachi and celebi is to migrate, trade, or go to a special event.  If none of those work for you, find someone with an AR who's willing to help.

  3. Sorry to burst your bubble but everone else is right the person who told you must have some kind of cheat to get it and they told you they caught it on the game or the person that got it from lied.sorry

  4. I hate telling this to people. Jirachi and Celebi are only available at events or by 3rd Party Devices! (Such as GameShark,Action Replay,PokeSav,ect)

  5. scroll down the page to find where to get them in all games but i think u need to go to a nintendo event to get them both. And that isnt true.

    hope i helped.

  6. you cant get them unless you migrate them from a different pokemon game that has them.sorry

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