
Where can i find cheap health insurace?

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any sites

im 20

i can afford to pay like 30 a month




  1. almost impossible unless you get a full time job.. even then your going to pay more then 30 bucks a month.. you should move to europe... health care is free.

  2. $30 a month wont' even buy you a DISCOUNT plan (which is a LIST, not any kind of insurance).

    If you're 20, health insurance should cost you about $200 a month.  If you get offers for anything substantially lower than that, either it's a crappy plan, it has a high deductible, or it's a scam.

    You can't buy a brand new Cadillac off the lot for $25.  And you can't get GOOD health insurance for anywhere NEAR $30 a month.  

    Even if you get a job, and get the health coverage through your employer, your share of the premium will be well over that.

  3. Get a full time job. I pay 35 a month and I get good coverage at 19 that becuase i work for such a big company.

    But cheap, good health care is an oxymoron in the US.

    Watch Sicko and you'll see.

    try applying for medicade. its for people with low incoms who cant afford healthcare

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