
Where can i find clubs in london with free entry?

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Where can i find clubs in london with free entry?




  1. Most clubs don't have free entry, some bars do before a certain time but if you go somewhere like west end you're more then likely to be approached by someone who can offer discounted entry

  2. There is nowhere in London with free entry.

  3. You Cant

  4. Are you serious?

  5. The best thing to do is buy the Time Out magazine and look for entry includes 1 drink kind of thing, or look for bars that turn into clubs after eleven...cos if you are in before eleven some wont make you pay....but buy the mag its the best help

  6. if you are driving a car you have to pay just to get into london

  7. Probably some sympathetic Student Union is your best bet! After all, it's London: the money-squeezing capital of the UK.

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