
Where can i find daedric gauntlets on oblivion ?

by  |  earlier

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i have all of the other armor and weapons except these




  1. i found alot of daedric in the oblivion gates

  2. Daedric armor is just a higher class heavy armor (the highest actually) as you level up you'll start to see heavy armor users (such as alot of the orcs you meet in caves and what not) wearing this armor as they level up with you.

    Just keep searching through dungeons with thieves or maurauders in them and your bound to find them eventually

  3. It seems to be pretty random.  If your level is high enough, which it probably is, you will randomly find them on bandits.  The best way is to just go cave hunting in search of them.  Sorry I don't have any more concrete answers, but it takes a lot of luck.  Good luck though!

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