
Where can i find designs for tribal tattoos that people dont already have on them??

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designs for tribal tattoos / pictures of tribe marks symbols hopefully with the meaning

please dont answer if you arent 100% sure of what you're doing

thank you




  1. Anything you can think of or find on the internet that is "tribal" has been done before... on a million other people.  Obviously you want some kind of symbol, so think of something that means a lot to you.  It does not have to be "tribal" to be a tattoo.  If you're into music, maybe a music note or a musical instrument.  If you're into animals, maybe a paw print.  Think about it for a while longer and you will come up with something original.  Good luck!  

  2. google works wonders.  Personally I think tribal as been done over and over and over.  It also seem to me that it is meaningless to most people who get it.  It seems that people who don't know what to get but want a tattoo get tribal. Unless your from a tribe, tribal tattoos seem silly to me.  However, it is your body so do what you wish to it.  I would definetly skip the tribal and think about yourself and your life and come up with something meaningful to you. Good Luck.  

  3. if a tribal piece has been designed, it has been done

    obviously you know how insanely common/unoriginal tribal is

    and usually, it all looks similar

    so even if you had a truly unique tattoo, everyone else will probably see it as just another tribal tattoo

  4. Tribal tattoos are a dime a dozen.  Anyone I know who got a tribal tattoo did it right at 18 and they all regret it now.  Tribal is "played out" for lack of a better term.

    How about a zodiac sign? Or design one yourself that has some initials of special people in your life? Or dates?

    I know someone who designed one with hers, her parents and her brother's first initial and it was very nice - it didn't look like initials and she had to show me where they were within the design. It is much more meaningful than finding a photo online.  

  5. Pick out one or two designs you like and have them redesigned or combined. Most artists will change the design if you ask them. I had one done, I had the feathers made smaller, and part of it redesigned, so no one has one like it. Just make sure if you do and you dont want it copied, dont let them take pics of it and keep the drawing.

  6. Chances are, if you find it on the internet, someone already has it.

    Are you even aware of what a tribal tattoo is?

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