
Where can i find drug rehabs in Dallas texas at no cost?

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Where can i find drug rehabs in Dallas texas at no cost?




  1. You can call *** 1-800-405-8409 *** and they can refer you to a rehab facility based on your substance of abuse, economic situation, and other factors (some are for men only or women only, some are Christian based, some are full in-patient, some are just day-time or a few times a week, etc).

    Also the Resource Center of Dallas 214-521-5124 has a lot of good info about local rehab options. (I should prob mention that they are mostly designed to serve the g*y community, but don't freak out & get all homophobic! They really have excellent information and are worth the call.)

    Good luck to you, NaughtySexyPlaya!

  2. Green Oaks is going to be your best bet.  It is the mental hospital / drug rehab for people with no money.  They have to check your income, and verify that either you have none, or you have very little, and they will get you in ASAP, 24/7.

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