
Where can i find free stuff, or donated items for a charity garage sale in Tulsa?

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We want to have a charity garage sale to help a family we know that is about to lose their home and everything, they really deserve it and we just dont have enough stuff to have a really great turn out, is there a web-site or organization that will donate anything for a garage sale? We really want to do it this weekend. Or if you have any items and live in the tulsa area and would like to donate, we could come pick it up!




  1. Try the "free stuff" section on Craig's List, or

    You can also advertise at local schools and churches to see if people want to donate.

  2. I had a huge charity garage sale a few months back. We got a lot of donations just by posting flyers and contacting churches in the area. I can understand your rush, but if you could give people a week or two to gather items I'm sure you would receive more donations - in my experience people are happy to get unused items out of their hands!

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