
Where can i find free volunteering short term palcements?

by  |  earlier

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Would prefer it to be free and for a few months to help children abroad in education and for a better lifestyle. Don't mind paying for travel and abroad expenses, however don't think its right to pay the organisation £500 and ON TOP OF THAT pay for our travel and expenses abroad.




  1. Obviously, you have never been outside your own country.

    I can get on ANY airplane that is headed out of the U.S.. and when it lands at whatever country it is going.. I can find some place that will be happy to have me help them in their humanitarian efforts.

    You don't need to go through some formal company to find a volunteer slot... but you DO need to be an experienced traveler, speak more languages than just AmeriKan; and be open to experiences that you may not really like... like sleeping on a mat on a dirt floor with buggies crawling on you at night... AND... above all you MUST be FLEXIBLE... you must be able to deal with the unexpected and you must be ready to experience culture shock.

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