
Where can i find frozen beef chips?

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Does anyone know where i can find frozen beef chips? I don't mean chips as in doritos or potato chips. What i mean is frozen chips of beef. They are really thin and fry up nicely. I go to this Mongolian BBQ place and they have chicken, beef, and pork in frozen chip form. I would love to buy some so i can make it at home in my own "Mongolian" form. Please let me know if any of you know of any stores that would carry this product. Thanks!




  1. You could probably ask your school lunch ladies.  Our school's lunch ladies know were to buy bulk of beef chips.  We get it from the Martin Brothers I believe, at least, that is were we get our BBQ rib sandwiches.

  2. i do it myself by par freezing my meat.  beef or chicken.  i have a very sharp knife, and then i basically chip the meat myself.  your might ask your grocery store butcher to thinly slice beef for you.  i haven't had a lot of luck doing that.  the butcher will do it, but it's never thin enough for me.  they have to do it while the meat is frozen

  3. i dont think theres such thing.......

  4. Frozen beef chips from the plains of northern Mongolia aren't really from Mongolia.  They're cow patties from Alberta's north.  It's cold there.

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