
Where can i find good bugs?

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i have to do a insect project for my biology class next year. i have to find, pin, and identify 30 insects. Spiders dont count. Do you know where i could find any good ones. I want big bugs not flies or ants because you have to pin them. I live in upstate South Carolina.




  1. Find a wild area and turn things over.  Rocks,  logs whatever.  Many seek shelter during the day.

    Get a car and a large white sheet.  Lay the sheet across the front bumper and spread out on the ground.  Turn the headlights on and see all the insects that come to you.  It works better  if you are in an area without lights.  Different areas get different bugs.

    Find a slow shaded creek.  Take a walk and keep your eyes open.  You will do better here if you do this before winter weather hits.  Some will be in the water.

  2. Meadows, Flowering plants, Under logs, check out lights first thing in the morning as moths are often hiding nearby. Ponds may attract dragonflies and damselflies. Concrete walls often have insects on them, but I am uncertain why they are attracted to walls.


    for real i would check attics, basements, under porches, in the woods under logs/wood, at night when you turn a light on see what comes to it and catch!

  4. I know a technique you could use to catch a whole bunch of different kinds of bugs. It's best to do this in an open field or something like that where there is soil and lots of buggies everywhere. What you do is dig a hole in the ground big enough to fit a small plastic see-through container. Put the container inside and put a rock over the top, but make sure it doesn't cover the entire hole! Bugs would see it and try to hide under the rock instead getting trapped inside the plastic ware. Leave it there overnight or for awhile.

    Haha. Hope that works out for you. :]

  5. oh wow sounds fun, here i could get several i could get horse flies, deer flies. house flies. doodle bugs. june bugs, popping beetles, if butterflyss count i have about 10 dif species flying around my barn

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