
Where can i find good information about adoption?

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How to raise an happy adoptive child? Parenting help? What to expect?

Any good websites?




  1. Are people with STDs allowed to adopt?

  2. I usually try to stick to *only* the question but...

    Gaia - that is absolutely the funniest answer I have read EVER!  ROFL!

    uh...resources, yeah.  Here are some -

    I agree with the books Phil suggested.  Others I like are:

    The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family; by, Karyn B. Purvis, David R. Cross, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine

    Our Own - Adopting and Parenting the Older Child; by, Trish Maskew

    The Family of Adoption : Completely Revised and Updated; by, Joyce Maguire Pavao

    Adoption and the Schools; Edited by Lansing Wood and Nancy Ng

    Here are some websites that might help you find the book(s) you want:

    Good luck!

  3. i would get those warts excised first. you might transmit "gentle" HPV to the kid, if you don't wash your hands well enough. seriously, the name is too much...

    anyhoo...stick around for awhile... many on here are adult adoptees and might have 411 you can use.

    gentle warts...i quit.

    ETA: good catch gaia... i was like, "ok...this is different."

  4. Books:

    Adoption Wisdom: A Guide to the Issues and Feelings of Adoption. Marlou Russell.

    Adoption and Loss: The Hidden Grief. Evelyn Burns Robinson.

    Adoption and Recovery: Solving the mystery of reunion. Evelyn Burns Robinson.

    Adoption Healing: a path to recovery. Joe Soll.

    Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew. Sherrie Eldridge.

    Birthright: The Guide to Search and Reunion for Adoptees, Birthparents, and Adoptive Parents. Jean A.S. Strauss.

    Beneath the Mask: Understanding Adopted Teens. Debbie Riley and John Meeks.

    Second Choice: Growing up Adopted. Robert Anderson.

    How it Feels to be Adopted. Jill Krementz.

    Adoption Encounter: Hurt, Transition, Healing. Mary Jo Rillera.

    Journey of the Adopted Self: A Quest for Wholeness. Betty Jean Lifton.

    The Primal Wound. Nancy Verrier.

    Coming Home to Self: The Adopted Child Grows Up. Nancy Verrier.

  5. I'm sorry, but I just can't take you seriously since you are obviously proud of your warts!!


  7. * "Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self" by Brodzinsky, Schecter, and Henig

    * "Journey of the Adopted Self" by Betty Jean Lifton

    * "The Primal Wound" by Nancy Verrier


    I guess Sunny's thumbs down are from the a-parents that became infertile because of them.

  9. there are lots of good books at the library about adoption, written both for the child and for the parents.  ask at your children's services agency to see if they have meetings for adoptive parents so you can talk to some and ask questions.  raising a child is the same whether they're born to you or adopted.  the kids that have a hard time with being adopted are the ones that find out as teenagers or later.  the ones that grow up knowing don't have a problem usually.  I told mine from the day I brought them home and they are well adjusted.

  10. go to its what my family used to adoped me and i love them there like a scond family to me!

  11. Y'all, this poor man has "GENTAL" warts, not "genital" warts.

    His warts are "gental".  They're peaceful warts.  They're not hurting anyone.

    Be nice, now.

    (Pssst, Warty, it's spelled "gentle".)

    LMAO!!!  I can't believe you changed it!!!!  That is AWESOME!  I needed the laugh.  :-D

  12. Change your avatar name???

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