
Where can i find info about bartending on a cruise ship and how to apply?

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Where can i find info about bartending on a cruise ship and how to apply?




  1. It depends where you come from. If you live in an asian country you will need to find an agent in your country and apply through them.Salary is often around US$500 per month + % off your sales + tips. You can earn around $2500.00 per month but you will have to work 10 - 14 hours a day. Some may complain you are underpaid, but you're not really as all your food and board is covered.

  2. all the P&O cruises i have been on all bar tenders were of phillipean apperance and they complained of bad wages. dont know about other cruise linners though

  3. Call the cruise ship that you want to work on and then ask if they need any bartenders. Good luck!

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