
Where can i find info on predicitions for the upcoming winter?

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I have seen several weather programs that talk about the "predicted" weather for the upcoming fall and winter seasons, based on past observations. Is there anywhere i can find these predictions? I have looked at a farmers almanac, but with no help.

I live in arkansas and was wondering if they are forecasting a dry/wet or mild/cold! winter? We have a baby due in january and wondering how the weather is gonna be acting.




  1. Predictions longer that a certain amount of time can not be done. Meteorological models begin to lose their accuracy drastically after about 24 hours. However, you can check climatology and see what has happened in the past.

  2. You can see the latest general forecasts for the upcoming winter season from the Climate Prediction Center here:

    Just select the 3 month period you are interested in seeing.

    It looks right now as if there is a small favoring toward warmer than average temperatures overall for Arkansas, but equal chances for above, near, or below average precipitation for the December through February time period.

  3. listen to weather forecasts.

    or try to search the net..

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