
Where can i find info on this?

by  |  earlier

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my dad told that i can do 4 years in the coast guard and after four years they will pay for my schooling. i would as him but he is under way for 4 months and i cant contact hi on the ship does anyone know where i can find the info at?




  1. Look in the telephone book under "armed services recruiting". The Coast Guard isn't as big as the Army, so you may have to call a big city near you.

    Or, use this site

    It is graphics heavy and I'm on dial-up; I can't find an exact page for you, if I want to answer any more questions this hour. Poke around under "benefits".

    The neat thing about the Coast Guard, to my mind, is that they "fight" even when there isn't a war; pollution, smugglers, human stupidity . . .

    They go out to contain oil spills. They go out to stop drug smugglers. They go out to rescue people who didn't think the small craft warning flags applied to them.

    If you are smart enough and fit enough to go to the Coast Guard Academy, you come out as an officer instead of a swabbie, and you get to sail on a tall ship, the USCGS "Eagle". WAY cool!"

    Best of luck!

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