
Where can i find infomation on moving to spain?

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i want to move to spain ASAP. i want as much info as poss!




  1. I wouldn't go there. But if you must do not go to the Costa Brava. The Catalans will ignore you at best......They are awful.

    Portugal is nicer.

  2. their are various books available on the subject

    you maybe able to get them here  now

    failing this do a web search

  3. Hi there, I moved to Spain nearly four years ago.  If you want to email me, I can let you have as much info as you need.

  4. There is a book titled "Going to live in Spain". Another is "Living and working in Spain". Another very useful one is called "You and the Law in Spain" by Santana books: a very comprehensive guide to the laws in Spain (cars, houses, work etc.)  Good luck. Ed.

  5. I live in Spain. Why don't you contact the British consulate here and she will tell you what things are needed. Most of all health insurance or social cover. It's not too easy here, but after 17 years it's still nicer than where we lived in UK.

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