
Where can i find information on florida mahogany tree root system?

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i have one thats 10 feet from my house. i need to know if their root system is aggressive. thanks




  1. I have a Florida mahogany that's about 25 years old.  The mahogany is not bad for roots, but 10' is way to close.  At 25 years the tree tops spread from the center is about 20 from center to outside edge.  This is after the hurricanes of 2004 took about 1/3 off the tree.  The roots are not the only problem, but do extend about 20 ft in one direction and about 10' in the other.  Our tree is about 8' from the road and the road is humped up.

  2. if you have googled it and you didn't find anything, you could call the master gardeners in the biggest city near you and ask. They are free.

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