
Where can i find information saying the Amityville is a hoax?

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I know i read somewhere that amityville horror was a hoax. I am trying to find out a site i can read about it becuase i want to see if it disproves lorraine warren. She is always on this new show paranormal state and i thought she was denounced as a fraud. which is it?




  1. Google- amityvill horror true story.

  2.     This is a good example of it and makes some very interesting points on the case.

  3. Here's a few sites disputing Amityville as a haunting.It's not really in dispute anymore.Even Ronald Defeo himself laughs at it.

  4. Well, the movie is very much embellished, however, this site will give you some facts about the what really happened.

    6 people were killed, and one of the surviving family members was arrested for the murders.

    The next family to buy the house (the Lutzes) thought it was haunted and got the media involved and the Warrens went to investigate. Who knows what really went on because they have kept the doors of the house tightly closed to everyone since and the only word we have is the warrens.

    This of course became the inspiration for the film.

    I have driven by the house once before when I was working down in the area. The current residents keep the curtains down because the house is a constant attraction and people come by taking photos, and I understand they will even come right up to the windows and try to look inside.

  5. The link below is a good start.

    Please be aware the despite Jay Anson (deceased) continuing to defend the story as true and Dr. Kaplan (deceased) continuing to say it was not true, the only evidence for it not being true is based on not directly related events like finding out the family wanted/had a movie deal.

    On the other hand besides the eye witness testimony there is no evidence that it is true.

    Not one single investigator was ever in the house during the period of time that activity was reportedly taking place. All investigations took place after the family had moved from the house.


  6. Just google search it. I was quite disappointed that it was a hoax, however, it was a bit over the top, green slime and ooze? Really ...................................

  7. I cannot tell you where to find the info you seek aside of try searching the net. I can however tell you that if you want to look for reasons to disbelieve in anything questionable in this world, you will find them. Heck people can't even agree on black and white situations with all the witnesses in the world because each person sees what they want too and interprets what they see differently than the others.  To every questionable happening there is always someone trying to prove they are hoax's as well as people trying to prove they are real. I believe the people that are obsessed with disproving such things are really scared of them and they feel safer to convince themselves that those things don't exist at all. And anyone who has ever made a paranormal experience claim has been called a fraud no matter how much proof they have or how credible they are. You should try to view both sides of the story told by those that do and don't believe so as everything you read isn't biased to one side only. And then don't ask others which side is true, you decide that for yourself on your own feelings. You will only get answers for an against just like in your reading, and most of those are apt to be based on ignorance and hearsay than on education of the matter like you will get looking it up for yourself. A lot of paranormal events are hoaxes, and way more of them are not, just keep an open mind and listen to your feelings on the matter and you will get as close to the truth as is humanly possible aside of actually having experienced it yourself. Remember - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

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