
Where can i find my first job in ottawa?

by  |  earlier

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i move to ottawa 3 weeks ago, and i would like to get a job. I am a university student and will be turning 20 soon. My problem is that i never really had any job experience before. I know its weird but i just never did cause i've travelling alot with my family and moving around. my question is where do i start ? do you know any places that would hire me?




  1. Be like thousands of people before you and get a job in retail. McDonald's, Tim's, Canadian Tire, Wal Mart etc. are always looking for new comers to the working world.

    Swallow a little of your pride. You'll have fun, make friends and earn a little cash to help defray expenses.

  2. Try the newspaper, online job websites such as

    Also, try the job bank. If you are going to university, then there are job services there! Try to work at a cafe in the school.

  3. Have you tried looking in the newspaper classifieds under "help wanted"?  That might be a good place to start.

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