
Where can i find online if a boat is stolen??

by  |  earlier

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is there a way

someone gave us one and id like to know asap




  1. just call your police department and give them the VIN of the boat, and they can tell you .

  2. I sold boats in North Atlanta and when boats came in for service, trade-ins, or someone wanted us to sell on consignment, our service manager ran a report.  He told me this was done due to the abundance of stolen boats throughout the country reported to authorities.

    Call a reputable boat dealer in your area and see if they can do this as well.  Also inquire from them other avenues.

    Good Luck and have a great time boating.

  3. I don't think there is anywhere online where you can find out, because if a boat is stolen often identifying information is removed.  If someone gave you a boat, that deal seems almost too good to be true, and when something seems too good to be true, usually it is.  You should check with the vessel registration authorities in your area and have them run the boat's VIN and see if anything comes up.  If the boat is not stolen, the person who gave it to you should also have given you proof of ownership.  These links may be of some help.  Best of luck with it.

  4. maybe car fax

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