
Where can i find osama bin laden?

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i wanna get that money..

im ready 4 everything




  1. Osama Bin Laden is alive and well sipping Margaritas on a  sunny beach since he had his plastic surgery with all that terrorist money he has.  Prolly in Florida....He also has a new kidney to boot paid for by blood ,sweat and more blood.  Can you just imagine what he is saying about us now.  

  2. he is in pakistan,

    can I get half of that reward now?

  3. So you wanna find Bin-Laden? Just remember you're going to have to go up against the US GOVERNMENT to get him cos they sure as h**l don't want him found while the fear of him is keeping the people so submissive.

  4. Ask G W Bush, he knows.

  5. Isn't he that guy who's running for president?

  6. go burn all pakistan and afghanistan

  7. Ask Morgan Spurlock (Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden) and he will give you places where you shouldn't look.

  8. He's hiding in Pakistan, or somewhere between Pakistan and Afganistan.  The mountains there are full of caves, and his supporters would never turn him in.

    Hope you can climb, and talk their lingo, because otherwise, I doubt you'd get very far, but good luck trying.

    And, you cannot spend the money, unless you live long enough.

    My guess is that there are ten more "Bin Laden's" waiting to step in to take his place.   Al Qaida is making a come-back in that area.

    Like cockroaches, they come out of hiding at night too, and our bombings just spread them out more..

  9. hes my next door neighbor in desguised as a caucasian male, mid 40's and with a limp, too.  

  10. he's on TV once in a while.  he puts out video's now and then.

    if i had to guess he's probably in Pakistan or Iran or Russia, maybe even in the USA

  11. Go ask Obama, if you get lucky he might actually tell you

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