
Where can i find other alternatives for replacing projector lamps?

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i have a sony projector and the lamp just recently died.. to replace a new lamp its gona cost about 300-400 dollars.. do you know any other alternatives on how to get a cheaper lamp? or any D.I.Y. projects for these sort of stuff?




  1. You can try, but you get what you pay for... the lamp pretty much is the projector!   It costs a lot but it should last a very long time, as long as the projector is kept in a safe, sturdy location (a good reason for ceiling mounting when possible).  

    That's pretty much the price range for lamps in a quality projector.  You could easily spend two or three times that in printer ink before you ever need to replace the lamp again.  Make sure you buy from a reputable dealer, if you try to save a buck, I guarantee you'll pay for it.  Some lamps are going for over $1000.

  2. I'd google the part number of the lamp. Depending on the age of the projector, you may find an N.O.S. (new old stock) lamp very inexpensively, or an equivalent unit.

  3. ebay will be your best shot, save me $250.00

  4. frix the lamp.

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