
Where can i find out if my dad is dead or alive for free if he's from mexico?

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Where can i find out if my dad is dead or alive for free if he's from mexico?




  1. It depends. Did he always live in Mexico? If so, there isn't much you can do short of contacting the city hall in the town where you think he lived and ask for a death certificate. But they usually require that you know the date of death to get it.

    If he came to the US, then did he have legal status and work under his own name and SSN? If he did, then check out the SSDI and see if he's listed. If he is, then you know when he died. If he's not, then the question is do you know anything about him that can be used to put him in one place at one time? If you can find a former employer, you can write a letter to the Social Security Administration to have forwarded to him. You would have to create two letters, one to SSA giving them enough information to identify him and ask his former employer to fill in his SSN for you and seal it before it's mailed. The second letter is to your dad and they will read it to make sure it's legitimate. If he's either working or drawing benefits anywhere, they will mail the letter to his new address for free.

    Otherwise, your free options are very limited unless you can find a member of his family or an old friend of his willing to help you track him down.

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