
Where can i find out more about free nursery education for 3 and 4 years old in london?

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Where can i find out more about free nursery education for 3 and 4 years old in london?




  1. local education authority

    yellow pages

    local council

  2. all children 3-5 are entitled to a free nursery placement.

    check with your local Borough (council) for more details.

    Remember every Borough rules are different.

  3. All children in britain can receive up to 5 sessions of 21/2 hours of free nursery funding from the term after they turn three up to school age.  All pre-schools or nurserys should offer this service and are not allowed to charge you any extra for those 2 1/2 hours.

    You should contact your local borough council for more details on settings offering this service I own a pre-school and children who are funded are not charged at all.

  4. Go to your local council web site they should have all the local nursery and pre-school settings available in your area.

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