
Where can i find "DETAILED" instructions on how to make a good airsoft course?

by  |  earlier

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I live in the country woods with 20 acres and wanna make a badass course but i know very little about airsoft courses and like to find an instructable about em any help?




  1. Well first off what is the lay off the land? Do you have any hills, creeks or other unique features that you would like to use? How big do you want it, or them? Because every field is different and what you are looking for differs too. I mean do you want an easily defendable fortress that must be attacked or do you want a street scene with store fronts on both sides of the street. Personally I like CQC ( close quarter combat) so I would probably build a "kill" house or two.Heck with 20 acres you could build a whole village with a fortress dead center, dang, now that would be bad ***. With a village you could host weekend long scenario missions and charge addmission. As for instrucionals on designing, take some friends out and brainstorm. Think about bridges, concealment, sniping positions and fields of fire. If you have lots of trees you might have to thin them out abit. Sorry about the long answer but there was so much more to your question that it deservered more then just a web address.

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