
Where can i find quote on subtle racism?

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I'm writing an essay on subtle racism. I being trying to find a quote on subtle racism but can't find it. If anyone knows a quote or know where I can find it, please answer the. Thanks a lot




  1. The song "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist," from the hit Broadway musical "Avenue Q" has lyrics that should help you.  The musical features a cast of both puppets and live performers.  The song has several stanzas, only a few of which I have copied below.  

    All of song lyrics are found at:  .

    A brief part of the performance of ""Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" is found at:

    Setting for Act I:  PRINCETON, a recent college graduate, is looking for an affordable apartment in New York City.  At Avenue Q, he meets a group of neighbors:  KATE MONSTER, a single assistant kindergarten teacher; NICKY and ROD, two long-time roommates; BRIAN, an unemployed comedian; CHRISTMAS EVE, Brian's Japanese fiancée, who is a therapist but has no clients; and GARY COLEMAN, former child star of the TV show Diff'rent Strokes, now the apartment superintendent. PRINCETON rents an apartment and lines up a job, but it is eliminated.  Everyone gathers to sing about their purpose in life.  GARY is afraid he has already fulfilled his purpose. KATE says that she wants to open a school especially for monsters. When PRINCETON asks whether she and TREKKIE MONSTER are related, KATE is offended at the implication that all monsters must be related, calling him racist.  Everyone comes in to join the song and reveal their own prejudices, agreeing that "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist."

    Although a very serious subject, subtle racism is captured in the humour of these lyrics.  I believe that one or two of these stanzas may just say what you want.

    [PRINCETON, a recent college grad, and KATE MONSTER]

    "Everyone's a little bit racist


    Doesn't mean we go

    Around committing hate crimes.

    Look around and you will find

    No one's really color blind.

    Maybe it's a fact

    We all should face

    Everyone makes judgments

    Based on race....


    Everyone's a little bit racist today.

    So, everyone's a little bit racist. Okay!

    Ethinic jokes might be uncouth,

    But you laugh because

    They're based on truth.

    Don't take them as

    Personal attacks.

    Everyone enjoys them -

    So relax!....


    If we all could just admit

    That we are racist a little bit,

    Even though we all know

    That it's wrong,

    Maybe it would help us

    Get along....

    Everyone's a little bit racist

    It's true.

    But everyone is just about

    As racist as you!

    If we all could just admit

    That we are racist a little bit,

    And everyone stopped being

    So PC

    Maybe we could live in -


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