
Where can i find salamanders in minnesota?

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Where can i find salamanders in minnesota?




  1. Same as anywhere else. Look under rocks and logs and don't forget to replace them afterward. Some salamanders are found in streams, some in deep water, some only at springs.

  2. Same place as in WIsconsin.  Under leaf litter.  Downed trees.  Old buildings.

    I would suggest you leave them alone.  All species of salamanders in MN are protected by laws.  Please don't mess with them. You have no right harming these beautiful animals anyway.  If I saw you collecting salamanders, I'd report you for being mean and cruel, and breaking the law.

    Leave the wild to the wild.

  3. Salamanders live in most of Minnesota, from prairies to forests. Most areas of the state have only one or two species, but all six Minnesota species live in the northeastern corner of the state. Look under a rock or log.

    Hard-to-Find and Disappearing

    We have fewer salamanders in Minnesota today because more roads, buildings, and farm fields block their paths to breeding ponds and habitat.

    Another problem is fish. Because fish eat salamanders and compete for the same food, the best home for a salamander is a wetland or pond without fish. Unfortunately for salamanders, fish have gotten into many wetlands in recent years. Some fish have traveled between wetlands by swimming through ditches that people dug. People have also stocked game fish in some salamander waters.

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