
Where can i find s*x shop in antalya (turkey)?

by Guest57198  |  earlier

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Where can i find s*x shop in antalya (turkey)?




  1. Elijah dont be stupid, Turkey isnt Saudi Arabia, even in Saudi they dont chop anything off anymore!! ignorance is the worst thing.. ughhh!!

  2. Ask Deniz Baykal. You can google his address.

  3. lol you will get your hands chopped off if you go to a s*x shop in turkey

  4. Google it.

    Type in "adult shop in Antalya, Turkey"

  5. 90 points and only one question asked?  Says enough

    The best place for you to visit a s*x shop is the one right inside your head.  Imagination is more than enough and you can't buy that

    If you are planning on travelling to Turkey, there are countless amount of things to do and see, so try to be a little more imaginative on all counts

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