
Where can i find solutions to crop farming related queries & know how?

by Guest33502  |  earlier

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i am in pakistan. have an agricultural land inherited from my forefathers. want to develop it. no previous knowledge, want to get educated before attempting. so need help.




  1. Agricultural land is normally in the villages, ask the villagers to show you the ropes. They will prob be happy to do so. And you will learn the way your forefathers were taught.

  2. You should enroll in courses at a University if possible, but you can do a fine job without as long as you plan carefully what you do. Ask those who farm near you what they think.

    1) Evaluate what you have

    2) Look at what has been done there before and how well it did or how poorly.

    3) See what is needed and find a market before planting. Ask local markets/ restaurants what they need and grow it.

    4) Keep asking questions here and get to know people.

    5) If you search "Farming answers questions" you will find about 4 million web sites that you can narrow down to help.

    6) Get to know the University staff and students in the agriculture department. They will always be there to help.

    Good Luck

  3. Your Agriculture Extension Service is the place to get the information you need.  Pakistan has both a public and private extension service.  The public extension through the university system probably can help you if you contact them, though they are struggling because of lack of funds.  The private extension service in Pakistan is very good but will cost you a little money to use them.

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