
Where can i find some black n white posters about safety that young chioldren can colour in?

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Where can i find some black n white posters about safety that young chioldren can colour in?




  1. Try this link.

  2. The internet

  3. Why don't you talk to them about safety and what they think it is, then ask them if the want to make posters/pictures with a message for their classmates? It would be a lot more meaningful and they may be more into pursuing it.

    With a safety 'printout' the child will probably just colour it and not get a whole lot out of it. And who cares it the picture they come up with, the child can share it at a circle or group time then put it up in the classroom. their classmate will most likely remember what the picture it of. Anyway, Hop i helped


  4. You may find some at Walmart, Kmart or and department store. The ones I found had a fuzzy base and you color them with felt pens.

  5. I would suggest going to your local police or fire dept. They usually have something there for the little ones. Mostly coloring books. The Little ones also enjoy going to the fire station and fire fighters enjoy having them there. If you make arrangements in advance you can have a really good time with it. Good luck I hope this helps and have fun with it.

  6. Try the following websites (they may not be suitable for colouring but should give you some ideas) - some are links to other sites that are listed, sorry!

    good luck doing a very worthwhile project!

  7. Go to and follow the  educator link, good luck.

  8. look, this isnt exactly legal, but internet. then use a photo editor to remove the colors and outline. i wouldnt suggest it except its for kids, so to heck with copyright, or atleast put the artist and publishers credits in fine print.

  9. If you contact your local Family Information Zone FIZ they should be able to advise you and/or fire/police station may be useful

  10. try or


  12. both the police and firservice have these, they show various hazards that the children can find and you can colour them in, if you have a safety zone they will have them, if not speak to your local stations and they'll point you in the right direction.

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