
Where can i find someone to make a quilt for me ?

by  |  earlier

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Well, it out of like some silk shirts... so where can i find someone to make it... give me a website or something




  1. Contact your local quilters guild ;)))

  2. is pretty good for stuff like this. Many of the sellers there will accept commissions. And there's always your local crafts and fabric stores, sometimes they'll have a bulletin board where people will advertise that sort of thing. Though I will say that silk isn't exactly the best material to make a quilt out of (or to sew with for that matter) because it is so easy to pucker and wrinkle.  

  3. There's a section on '' where people can post requests, including getting a quilt made (for that matter, on '', too). There are also a number of sites on-line which make what they call 'memory quilts' - you can do a search and locate ones that appeal to you.

    If you want to stay local and avoid shipping expenses, another approach is to find quilt shops (or fabric shops in general) in your area - they will generally know people who do this kind of work. It may sound a little creepy, but local funeral homes may also know people who would do this. Many churches also have groups who quilt to raise money for the church - check around your area.

    Good luck.

  4. look on


    sometimes people will poston there they want to make quiltsfor people,& will post on there too, they want someone to make them stuff too.

  5. There is only one lady that I would go to, she is wonderful, has been quilting for about 30 years and is very quick. Her quilts are stunning. Her name is Gailya and you can email her at she will send you pictures of some of the hundreds of quilts she has done.


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