
Where can i find special defense and defense evs in pokemon

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  1. i don't know at all i think

  2. For defense the following pokemons are great:

    Metapod- 2 evs

    Kakuna- 2 evs

    Sandshrew- 1 ev

    Geodude- 1 ev

    Graveler- 2 evs

    Aron- 1 ev

    Nosepass- 1 ev

    Nincada- 1 ev

    Silcoon/Cascoon- 2 evs

    Gligar- 1 ev

    Pineco- 1 ev

    Kricketot- 1 ev

    Bronzor- 1 ev

    Hippopotas- 1 ev

    These are the easiest and faster to find but i REALLY recommend to train in the IRON ISLAND because its full of gravelers, geodudes and onix that all give defense EVS.

    For special defense:

    Venonat- 1 ev

    Tentacool- 1 ev

    Tentacruel- 2 evs

    Drowzee- 1 ev

    Ledyba- 1 ev

    Cleffa- 1 ev

    Hoppip- 1 ev

    Lotad- 1 ev

    Lombre- 2 evs

    Spoink- 1 ev

    Baltoy- 1 ev

    Mime Jr- 1 ev

    Burmy- 1 ev

    This is a little more hard to find but i recommend you to go into open sea as there are a lot of tentacools and tentacruels.

    Hope i helped (;

  3. it depends in the game, but that guy there has it

  4. For defense the following pokemons are great:

    Metapod- 2 evs

    Kakuna- 2 evs

    Sandshrew- 1 ev

    Geodude- 1 ev

    Graveler- 2 evs

    Aron- 1 ev

    Nosepass- 1 ev

    Nincada- 1 ev

    Silcoon/Cascoon- 2 evs

    Gligar- 1 ev

    Pineco- 1 ev

    Kricketot- 1 ev

    Bronzor- 1 ev

    Hippopotas- 1 ev

    These are the easiest and faster to find but i REALLY recommend to train in the IRON ISLAND because its full of gravelers, geodudes and onix that all give defense EVS.

    For special defense:

    Venonat- 1 ev

    Tentacool- 1 ev

    Tentacruel- 2 evs

    Drowzee- 1 ev

    Ledyba- 1 ev

    Cleffa- 1 ev

    Hoppip- 1 ev

    Lotad- 1 ev

    Lombre- 2 evs

    Spoink- 1 ev

    Baltoy- 1 ev

    Mime Jr- 1 ev

    Burmy- 1 ev

    This is a little more hard to find but i recommend you to go into open sea as there are a lot of tentacools and tentacruels

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