
Where can i find specific Extradition Treaty Law Information?

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I am writing a paper for my Criminal Justice class right now, and it is on extradition treaties with the United States. I know there are some countries that will extradite American Citizens if the Government wants them to. But I also know it goes more into detail about different countries specific crimes. But I can't find that information anywheres. I can only find what countries have the treaty with the U.S . What I really need is help on finding out what crimes are the majority that are excepted for extraditions and which are not. If you can't write that much information please provide a link so I can research it myself.

This paper is obviously on Extradition and people that run from the law. But I need help on one more part as well and cannot seem to find info on it. How is it that people that run from the United States that are awaiting trial or awaiting sentencing, can get to a country and apply for citizenship there? Wouldn't that country need to notify the US of that person 1st?




  1. look up extradition treaty law in the United States in

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