
Where can i find spiders ?

by  |  earlier

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prefarrably wolf spiders me and my friends have been looking all day where are some good spots to find spiders we want to fight them




  1. Most spiders will not fight for your pleasure.  If you present a species of spider of the same s*x in the web of another spider they may fight but mostly they will size each other up and the smaller will leave. A different species of spider placed in a web will usually be unable to win in another spiders web, so will run or be eaten, what fun is that.  Two unrelated  wolf spiders of the same s*x will likely spend their time getting away from you rather than fighting each other.  If you put them in a small jar together one will likely kill the other but at their own pace.  Can you watch them constantly for a few days?  Why not find the spiders and watch how they live and spin their webs and catch their food.  A much less violent way to spend your time.

  2. Lucas, It's a nice day out. Why don't you and your friends go out and do something instead of harassing the local arthropods. Not cool.

  3. Hi!! In waterlils` house apparently go and get them she will  be so pleased because she is afraid of them.

    Be a good Samaritan.

  4. in the dirt but can u post a video i wana see the fight

  5. lol wolf spiders come out at night , so if you keep looking for them "all day" like you say , your never gona find them

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