
Where can i find the Grade 9 Lifepac Civics Teacher Book?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want to buy it i need a online version. Its history and geography.




  1. You are not going to find an online version.  Lifepacs are only in book form.  

    If you wanted to do Civics on the computer, there is a Switched on Schoolhouse Civics course from Alpha Omega.  It is the complete curriculum that you work strictly on the computer with lesson planning and instant grading.  Or if are you talking about the History & Geography 9th grade that includes Civics, same answer.

    If you are having trouble, I can help as my son is currently doing the History and the stand alone Civics course.

  2. They're not online.

    You can try to get one free at PaperbackSwap:

    Lifepacs are posted on there *all* the time, and teacher's guides normally linger in the database for quite some time.

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