
Where can i find the best ovulation calender?

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Where can i find the best ovulation calender?




  1. I like

    gives you fertile dates for the entire year

  2. I am 8 weeks pregnant and the site that I used was First I believe is what it is called.I googled it and found it and I got pregnant about 3 weeks later! Good luck!

  3. ovulation calendar, or ovulation chart?

    if you are wanting to track your symptoms to pinpoint when you ovulate, i'd go with

  4. Women don't ovulate on the same day every month, regardless of how many days their period is.  It just doesn't work like that. No calendar can tell you when or if you are ovulating.

      Some women ovulate on day 16 and some on day 10 and some women don't ovulate at all, even though they are getting their periods every month.  So any ovulation calendar is just a very rough estimate based on averages and can be waaaayy off.

    For better accuracy, you must do fertility charting. Its very easy -- just take your temperature in the morning before you get out of bed and pay attention to your cervical fluid.

    Another method is to use the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor, but its VERY expensive, or ovulation predictor kits.

    Again, these methods are a bigger hassle and much more expensive than doing simple fertility charting.

    To learn more, visit


  6. I really liked the one on because it takes into consideration the length of your cycle. It did the trick for me! most calendars are based off of a 28 day cycle, and can be very inaccurate.

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