
Where can i find the cheapest k2 e.m.f reader for sale?

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Where can i find the cheapest k2 e.m.f reader for sale?




  1. Ask an electricical engineer, or anyone else who uses them for their intended purpose.  If your intent is to find ghosts with electronic equipment I say you should waste your money elsewhere.

  2. probably ebay, but I would also like to warn you that you are wasteing your money. Most Haunted is a television show, not the real world. You might want to do some research on electro magnetic fields before you buy one and assume that anything that produces one is a ghost.

    You might just realize that it doesn't detect ghosts at all.


    Or e-bay after you compare prices at the above site.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  4. emf readers atre great, but will not point out everything ghostly. Live wiring in the building and the odd piece of ghosthunting equip. can set those off. And yes, most haunted is a joke. Too bad the Real ghost hunters never make it on tv to show people what its really like

    by the way, if a spirit can set off an emf reader, it will spin a compass. you can get one of those from a dollar store.

    Honestly, I've been doing this for 13 years, and the expensive stuff is a waste of cash.

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