
Where can i find the coat of arms and history of my family and ancestors in chile?

by Guest66331  |  earlier

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i have found other places but they all ask me to buy stuff




  1. Coats of arms do not belong to surnames. The surname products business which includes coats of arms is one of the biggest scams around.  

    They were and are granted to individuals and are passeds down to the direct legitimate male line descendants.  Actually, there might have been, for instance, 15 different men with the same surname, not all necessarily related, each granted their own coat of arms, all different.

    None of the peddlers that sell them on the internet, at shopping malls, at airports, in magazines or solicit by mail will have all 15, no way. They don't need to in order to sell to people.  The only time any one of them will have more than one is if more than one person with the same surname but of different national origins were granted one.

    Then they will have one of each. There might have been several of each. Also some people with that surname will not be entitled to any coat of arms.

    See the links below, one from the British College of Arms(they grant coats of arms) and the other from the most prestigious genealogical organization in the U.S., The National Genealogical Society.

    If this is a school assignment, please print off the links I am furnishing you and give them to your teacher.  You are free to give to your teacher what I have posed here.

    I apologize if you aren't.  It is just that we get a lot of questions from students regarding coats of arms.

    Anytime you see one of those walnut plaques with a coat of arms and a family history on it, what you see very possible is a valid coat of arms and a valid family history but not for everyone with that particular surname.

  2. go to wikipedia , look in history ,cross reference with latin america and coat of arms .wikipedia is free.

  3. You , of course would need to make sure you are a descendant of Spanish nobility or royalty. If you are not, then you would not have a coat of arms.

    The descent of Spanish arms and titles differs from much of Europe in that they can be inherited through females. Also, illegitimacy did not prevent the descent of arms and titles. The great Spanish families believed that a family pedigree could be more damaged by misalliance than by illegitimacy. Indeed, the patents of nobility of many Spanish families contained bequeathals to illegitimate branches in case no legitimate heirs were found. Illegitimacy in Spain was divided into three categories.

       1. Natural children: Those born of single or widowed parents who could be legitimized by the marriage of their parents or by a declaration by their father that they were his heirs.

       2. Spurious children: Those whose parents were not in a position to marry. These children had to be legitimized by a petition of royal ratification.

       3. Incestuous children: Those born of parents too closely related to marry or who were under a religious vow. These hijos required a papal dispensation in order to inherit their parent's arms or property. These papal dispensations were granted so often that every diocese in Spain had signed blanks ready to affix the appropriate name.

    As with any coat of arms, you are not bound by any law as to their use in the United States (you can have them displayed in your home), but be forewarned that they cannot be displayed anywhere if you enter another country (that has heraldry laws) if they are not specifically yours.

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