
Where can i find the p90x workouts and nutrition guides?

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Where can i find the p90x workouts and nutrition guides?




  1. I would echo stoooo.  You can purchase be going to profile and clicking the link.  You will receive the DVDs, Nutrition guide, and free online support. Whoever you go through to purchase the program can become your coach.  This is one of the most important aspects of the program.  It really helps for accountability and to speak to somone who has been there, done that.  I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

  2. try the web site you can order it off there

  3. Roger,

    You can find all the information you are looking for by visiting my profile and clicking on the links to my websites.  By doing this, it would allow me to be your coach.  I can't tell you how important the support from my team has been.  It has really helped keep me focused through out the full 90 days.

    Hope this helps,


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