
Where can i find the rules for the board game "Shoots and Ladders?"?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Seriously?

    Here are the rules.  Spin the spinner and move the number of spaces indicated.  If you land on a ladder, you climb up.  If you land on a chute, you move down.

    First to 100 wins.

  2. I would say just search it on Yahoo and see if something useful comes up. You could probably also go to the website of the makers or call the number of the makers and get them.

  3. Boy...  looks like everyone was pretty lazy in their answers here...

    The rules for Chutes and Ladders are over on Hasbro's website...  

    Here's the Link:

    Just scroll down the page until you see "Chutes & Ladders"... there are rules listed for A LOT of different versions of the game...  Just pick the one you want!!

  4. BigD laid out the complicated rules perfectly.  The only thing to add is that more than one person can be on a space at a time.

  5. Chutes and Ladders is the correct name; They still sell it at any big name store..Played like candyland--also the board game is next to candyland in the store, childrens toys.... Have fun....

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