
Where can i find the safety rules and required equipment for under 10 mtr fishing vessel?

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Where can i find the safety rules and required equipment for under 10 mtr fishing vessel?




  1. If you are in the U.S. go to title 46 Code of federal regulation, Shipping, part 28. That is the cfr website, and will have all regulations for fishing vessels.

  2. You can find International compliance and certification requirements for all commercial vessels at SOLAS (International Convention for Safety of Live at Sea),

    You'll find, Safety Codes and Voluntary Guidelines, specific to fishing vessels at,

    There are other Registration Authorities at Federal and State Levels like American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).  They may have additional items normally pertaining to a specific operation.  SOLAS remains the primary reference for safety equipment inclusive of navigational aids.

  3. Assuming you are seagoing contact the local coastguards office.

  4. You should be able to get advice for (commercial) vessels at   , the site for the Marine and Coastguard Agency in the UK.

    Survey and Certification by Seafish at     , "outfit guidance for vessels under 15mtr LOA".   This is the smallest vessel category apparently.

    See also the professional boatmans association website at  for very useful information.

    If you wish to sell your fish "buyers and sellers regulations" now apply as well I think!

    To keep abreast of the latest news go to

    or buy that newspaper.

    Weather/shipping forecasts & tide tables, the best website is     then click "coast and sea"   is the website for the  `Under 10 Fishermans Association`.

      Your insurance company and the local coastguard / surveyor / harbour authority and sea fisheries committee may


  5. If you're in the UK, you're best bet is to contact the british marine federation, they have all the rules and regualations that you'll need to adhere to plus will give you lots of helpful advice.

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