
Where can i find the twilight series in english in morelia, mexico?

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i moved from california to morelia in mexico and brought with me twilight the first book of the series and now that i finished it i want to read the books that come after but i can only find them in spanish here

to read it in spanish is really hard for me and i get frustrated not knowing what some words mean




  1. order it from the are not likely to find it anywhere in morelia.  

    try sanborns....ask them if they can special order it

    any "vips" restaurant has a book store too.  i don't remember if there is a vips in morelia.

    or the next time you go to san miguel de allende (huge american/euro colony there)...or mexico city or guadalajara (some americans at lake chapala)...get it there.  in mexico city "librerias ghandi" is the best.  

    ask at the language school on calzado "fray antonio" which is in between "plaza morelos" and the "fuentes tarascas"  The people there might know of a way to find it without having someone send it down from the states.

  2. Try Sandi Books in Guad

    SANDI S.A. is your most complete english bookstore, where you will always find what you are looking for. We have personal attention from qualified people and access to the largest book databases in the world. If we don't have the books you are looking for, we can get it for you and deliver it anywhere in Mexico.

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